Taming Sebastian (Sawson's Royal College Book 2) Read online

Page 25

  “The way it played out was the worst possible scenario! Can you fathom the pain one feels when they’re told that the person they love is engaged to someone else? It destroyed me, Sebastian. You were mine, all mine and within a few days you were hers.”

  I look up at him.

  “I should’ve told you eventually. I know. But I couldn’t risk losing you and I thought you’d forgive me.”

  “Why the hell would I do that?”

  “I thought I’d love you so hard, you’d have no choice but to forgive me.”

  His words weaken me.

  “I – I can’t! I don’t trust you!” I shout at him. “How can I? When every second of our relationship you were keeping something from me? I can’t risk hurting myself, opening myself up to you again. I was devastated that you weren’t there when I woke up from the chloroform incident. It killed me when you didn’t check up on me. I almost collapsed when I found out you were engaged and when you told me you’ve moved on, it fucking hurt. I don’t want to risk feeling that way ever again, and with someone I no longer trust, I can’t.”

  “Isabel, I kept up with Jax about how you were doing! I sent the doctor myself. I love you, I love you. You’re mine.” He pushes me against the wall and slams his lips on mine.

  “Stop, Sebastian. I want to leave!” I grab my bag and bang on the door.

  “Jace!” I cry out loud putting everything into the shout. The door opens and I run home.


  I’m walking to the soccer game. It’ll be the first time I see Sebastian in a week. He hasn’t contacted me, and I don’t know how to feel about it.

  There’s a hollowness inside me that feels completely void of something vital, something Sebastian. My heart wars with my mind. My heart wants me to run into his arms and forget this ever happened, but my brain tells it to shut the fuck up because the he in question, has been lying to me.

  We begin warming up and I plaster on a fake smile.

  Finally, the bleachers are full of students holding up banners and posters. Turning around when the commentator announces Sawson’s team, I see him and nausea takes hold of me and I swallow it down. I can’t even fake a smile because my nerves are wrecking me.

  I hold my breath. There are many players on the court, but my eyes direct me instantaneously to the most beautiful hazel eyes, which are staring back at me.

  I inhale deeply when I see him … looking numb, not sad or happy, just … numb.

  “Isabel!” I hear Andrea hiss in a threatening tone. Likewise, Sebastian’s teammates pull him towards their coach when it’s time for their pre-game discussion.

  Sebastian turns his face and stares at me some more as I fake cheer. We retain eye contact until Nathan smacks the back of his head to gain his attention.

  We do our routine and move away as the game begins.

  No one scores in the first half. I wince every time Sebastian misses a goal and his teammates berate him for it. He’s completely distracted and is missing easy shots. He keeps stealing looks at me, and I just want to tell him to concentrate on the game! But it would be completely hypocritical considering I can’t concentrate on cheerleading.

  Tim and I stopped trying to do any jumps after our first attempt where I ended up on my ass. I swear Sebastian was about to run to me when Jax pulled him back. I even nodded at him, to let him know I’m okay.

  How are we still so connected after everything?

  During half time, I sneak out to the parking lot and take out a cigarette. I light it up and lean against Alayna’s car.

  “I never knew you smoked.”

  I jump at his sudden presence and my cigarette falls to the ground.

  “You s-scared me.” I chide as Sebastian approaches me.

  I go to pick up the cigarette, but before I can, he squishes it under his foot.

  “Why the hell would you do that?” I stand up and cross my arms.

  “Smoking shortens the lifetime I plan to spend with you.”

  “Sebastian, stop.”

  “I miss you.”

  “Stop.” I close my eyes and hang my head low. “Just stop.”

  “Fucking hell.” He yanks at his hair. “I can’t do it, I can never just leave you the fuck alone!”

  I begin walking away but he holds my wrist in place as I’m about to walk past him.

  “You’re scared to trust me again. I’ll earn your trust back, Isabel. I never lied about anything else.”

  “Leave me alone, Sebastian. We’re done.” I pull my hand and walk back to the field for the second half of the game.

  “You okay? I saw Sebastian follow you.” Alayna asks once I return.

  “Will I ever get over Sebastian Carter?”

  “Someday. But I don’t know why you’d want to be, he’s crazy over you.”

  “I can’t Alayna. I can’t risk it again.”

  Chapter 25

  It’s finally Friday, but also the day of the auction which means I’m going to see Sebastian. How am I supposed to get over someone when they’re everywhere?

  “Ready?” Alayna asks from behind me.

  “Yep.” I pick up my clutch and we walk to her car. Sally and I are giving a speech today and I’m terribly nervous. I’m dressed to impress with a black tight pencil skirt and a blue, sleeveless top.

  “So,” Alayna says, “are you going to bet on Sebastian tonight?”

  My heart wants to scream “yes, he is mine!” But he isn’t, not anymore. The thought of him going on a date with another girl scares me. What if he’s attracted to her? What if he acts on it?

  “Earth to Isa?”

  I look at her. “No way.”

  Three hours later, I finish my pre-auction checks, and everything is ready to go. I head to the bar needing a drink after the chaos of the last two hours. Sitting on the stool, I sip my drink and take a few seconds to unwind.

  “I hope this works!” Sally says as she sits next to me.

  “Me too! I hope the women pay and don’t conspire against us to keep prices low.”

  “Well, with men that look like that, I don’t think there will be any issues.” She fans herself sarcastically. I look at the collection of men standing at the far right. “Too bad I’m not a cougar. I actually love older men.” She confesses to me, making me laugh.

  “It would hardly make you a cougar. You’re only thirty-two.”

  “Yeah, yeah. As I said, I have a thing for the older ones. These boys … ” she looks at them then stares down at her crotch, “yep nothing.”

  I laugh so hard that the gin-tonic in my mouth sprays all over the surface of the bar.

  “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” I pick up tissues and we clean the area up.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you laugh. You’ve done so much, Isabel. Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your night, have fun, and be a kid.”

  “Sally! You’re barely older than me. Also, I need to make sure nothing goes wrong backstage.”

  “Isabel.” She holds my shoulders. “Relax and have fun tonight! Oh, by the way, you’re in the second row next to your friends Alayna and Selena. I would’ve given you guys the front row, but … well, these paying cougars need it more.”

  She walks away and I smile, knowing she changed my somber mood.

  “Black label on the rocks, please.” A familiar voice says.

  Turning to my right, I see Jace and it’s the first time we’ve been around each other in a calm setting. Looking at him, I realize one thing. Those Carter genetics are extraordinary. Most girls would find him unbelievably gorgeous with his dark hair and even darker eyes. He’s massive with messy hair that looks like he just came from having crazy sex.

  “Hey.” I say to him.


  Well… this is awkward.

  “Are you here to bet on Sebastian?” I joke.

  “No, that should be your job.” He says with a bite to his tone.

  I look down. “You have a right to be angry – I’m sorry you got pull
ed in the middle of this. You don’t have to marry-”

  “I don’t care about that. It’s just a business arrangement anyways. What I do care about is Sebastian. The guy loves you and you’re not giving him a second chance.”

  “You mean fourth or fifth chance? Listen, I’m sorry you were put in the middle of things but please stay out of our relationship.”

  “Jace? Back off.” Sebastian says from behind me and Jace walks away.

  Sebastian stands in front of me and his eyes skim my body. As always, his beauty takes my breath away. His hair is longer than usual. It’s wild and all over the place. I close my eyes for a few seconds to compose myself and when I open them, he’s closer than before.

  I take a step back, but he grabs my chin and pulls my face up so I’m looking into his eyes.

  “You’re still mine, Isabel. Win me tonight. I want no one but you.” He says before walking away.

  I just gave my speech and I blush when I see evident pride oozing from Sebastian. Taking my seat next to Selena, I look around and notice there are more than two hundred women here! The tickets alone raised a third of what we need. And it’s all because of him. Sebastian. Not only did he come up with the idea but he also got all the men.


  I look at Selena. “What’s wrong?”

  “Stacy is here. She better not bet for Jax!”

  “She won’t. I mean, she can’t be that insane right?”

  The auction begins and so do the catcalls. One by one, each guy comes out with a cocky smile and the women are definitely paying up.

  We laugh hysterically when Nathan struts down the runway in a fireman costume, followed by Thomas in a police-man costume. The women go crazy when each man strips off their shirts.

  Jax is next and Selena is nervous. He walks out like he can’t be bothered, looking broody and silent. And the women go crazy. Some girl, not Stacy thank god, wins him for nine thousand dollars! Woah, this is crazy.

  Sebastian comes out next and my heart thumbs quicker against my chest. I hate that another woman might have him for the night.

  As opposed to Jax, he swaggers on stage like he was born to be a model. He bites his lip and walks down with an arrogant expression like he knows he’s the hottest shit in this world.

  His eyes scan the crowd then land on me.

  I press my thighs together when he raises his shirt to show us his eight-pack. I look at his face and read his lips when he mouths ‘win me’.

  A second later, I hear a girl scream out $6000!

  Oh, hell no… $7000, $7500, $7800, $8000.

  “Going once, going twice-” I hear the commentator.

  “$10,000.” I know that voice. Misty is standing to the side with a smirk on her face.

  My mouth drops. Oh god, anyone but her.

  “I’ll give you the money!” Sebastian shouts at me.

  My possession takes control of me when I shout, “$11,000!”

  “$15,000.” She smiles, holding a checkbook like she can do this all day.

  “$15,500.” I counter.

  “Oh, fuck it.” I hear her say. “$25,000!”

  Holy shit. I can’t borrow that much from Sebastian! Can I really take that much from him? He’s nodding at me saying I should but I’m not comfortable –

  “Sold!” I hear.

  “What?” I scream. Sebastian jumps off the stage and comes to me.

  “Don’t worry, I’m yours just like you are mine.”

  “I’m not yours.” My eyes are still staring daggers at Misty.

  “I get horny as fuck when you get crazy possessive over me.”

  “Stop, I’m not yours. We broke up. Stop speaking to me like this is normal.”

  “So, you’d be fine if I go and enjoy my date with Misty?”

  No, I want to gouge her eyes out for choosing you. “Yes.”

  “If I kiss her?”

  I fist my hands. “Sure.” I look away.


  “I can’t believe you talked me into this.” Selena tells me as she readjusts her blonde wig. We’re in a cab and I may have talked her into stalking our men.

  “I couldn’t handle it. The thought of him touching her makes me feel nauseous. I just want to know what’s going to happen.”

  “He’s not going to touch her, Isabel. He’s crazy about you. Besides, why would you care? I thought you guys broke up.” She raises her eyebrows.

  “Selena,” I groan, “I’m … okay, so I’m crazy. The thought of her trying to touch him is driving me up the wall. I just want to be there to …”

  “Defend his honor?” Selena jokes.

  “What if he goes for her cause we’re not together?” I ask.

  “Then you are being ridiculous. He was begging you to win him. But Isabel, you basically told him to kiss her. You don’t want him but can’t stand the idea of someone else having him.”

  “I know, Selena. I know all of this.” I put my face in my hands. “But what do I do?”

  “Forgive him.”

  “I can’t.” I pull on my chin-length black wig to center it better.

  “So, how do we do this?” Selena asks as we approach the sports bar. Jax and Sebastian decided to take the women on a double date.

  “Oh my god, they’re right there!” She turns around, giving her back to the restaurant.

  “Where?” I whisper then laugh when she covers her face. “Selena, they can’t see you. You have a long blonde wig, I have a short black one, we’re wearing massive sweaters and leggings. Unless we show them our faces, they won’t recognize us.”

  She starts laughing and then we both fall into a fit of laughter.

  “Okay, come here.” I pull her close. She points out where they’re sitting and it’s perfect. There’s a free booth right next to them. “Come on!”

  “You don’t need to whisper, we aren’t even inside let alone near them.”

  I snort in response. “We would suck as spies.”

  “The worst.” She agrees.

  I tell the waiter we want that table and he tells us to go ahead. Walking there, we turn our faces to the right when we pass them and then sit on the same bench in the booth.

  The waiter hands us menus and Selena points her finger at the picture of the Corona. I put up two fingers to indicate we want two.

  “Ew.” I hear Sebastian say. What’s he saying ew about? Jax snorts at the situation. “Don’t touch me.” Sebastian continues.

  “Umm.” Misty begins. “Did you just say ‘ew’ at my touch?”

  Why’s she touching him!

  “Yep.” Sebastian replies deadpan.

  Selena’s face lights up when she gets a text from Jax. I look over and it says, “Hey baby, you home?”

  “Why?” Missy hisses and I concentrate back on them. “We’re on a date, why can’t I touch you?”

  “Well… you see. My girl is kind of the jealous crazy type.” I roll my eyes, and Selena nudges me and gives me a look that says, ‘he’s right’ and gestures at our situation.

  “Yeah.” Sebastian chuckles before he continues his words. “Besides, if I ever see a guy touching her the way you just tried to touch me, I’d probably break his arm… and leg. Probably both arms and legs, and maybe his dick too.”

  Selena is holding her palm over her mouth to stop laughter from coming out.

  A part of my frostiness towards Sebastian ebbs away at his actions. He doesn’t know I’m here and he’s this loyal. We’re technically broken up, and he’s still loyal.

  “You’re crazy.” Misty replies to him.

  “Yeah, for her.” Sebastian says and I smile. That’s his response every time I call him crazy.

  Sebastian and Jax start talking about soccer and it takes a few minutes for the other girl to chime in. “Are you guys going to bother talking to us?”

  “Probably not.” Sebastian responds nonchalantly.

  Jax’s laugh is heard from here.

  Selena links her arm in mine. “We found some loyal

  I smile back and whisper. “I really want him to be mine, Selena.”

  “Then let him be yours.”

  “Honestly?” I look at her. “I’m terrified of feeling heart-broken again. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever felt. I was either numb or hysterically crying. All I wanted to do is sleep all day. Those days still haunt me.”