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Taming Sebastian (Sawson's Royal College Book 2) Page 21

  Once perfectly distracted, I successfully dunk him under the water.

  I know he can easily come back up, but he appeases me by staying under and chooses to tickle me until I have no choice but to let him up for air.

  “I love you, woman, and you try to drown me?” He says dramatically, leaning against the back of the massive bath and looks away in mock anger.

  “Seb.” I moan, approaching him and sitting on his lap.

  “Nope, not falling for it.” He crosses his arms. I pout and lean back to look at him. He notices my silence and glances at me.

  “Fuck me, do not pout! Evil woman.”

  “Kiss me and tell me you understand.” I whisper into his ear. And he complies. He grabs my face and kisses me ravenously.

  Chapter 20

  I’m putting on a knee-length, red, sleeveless tight dress in preparation for the opera night. It’s five o’clock and Sebastian’s meant to arrive any minute. I put on my strappy nude heels and go downstairs to make sure dinner is ready. I told him to come at five, so we have time to eat and for him to change into formal clothing.

  I still haven’t told him where we’re going and I’m nervous about his reaction.

  I play his favorite Luciano Pavarotti album and sit. Thirty minutes later, he’s still not here and I’m frustrated. This night is important to me. I call him and get no answer. I go to the kitchen and pack the dinner. Even if he arrives right now, we won’t have time to eat if we want to make it to the opera on time.

  I wait ten more minutes then text him saying ‘important’. Two minutes later, he calls.

  “I’m on the way.” He says breathlessly.

  “Where are you?”

  “Running to my car from the library.”

  “You just left?”

  “Yeah. With everything going on, I’ve been slacking off my studies. I lost track of time. I’m so sorry, I’m coming now.”

  “Okay.” I respond sadly, placing the containers of food in the fridge. “There’s no time for dinner. So maybe you should pick up sandwiches on the way.”

  “I’ll be there soon.” He hangs up the phone.

  I sigh and pour a glass of wine, reminding myself that whatever he’s going through, he said it doesn’t affect us and it’s safer that I don’t know. But that’s not enough, not anymore.

  “Isabel.” I hear from behind me ten minutes later. I turn and see him rushing towards me. “My god. Wow.”

  He grabs me and holds me close. “Your beauty is unfair to every other woman in the world. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay.” I pull back and smile at him, wanting to have this night despite everything.

  He grimaces at my facial expression. Maybe my disappointment is more obvious than I thought.

  “Obviously I’m dressed up so please wear a suit or a tux. I’ll wait for you here.” I walk to the bar and pour myself another drink. My eyes drift closed when I feel his chest against my back. He rests his hands on the bar, caging me in.

  “I really am sorry.” He whispers in my ear. “I promise you, when this thing is over, I’ll take us away. Anywhere you want, angel. Australia, China, Spain, Mexico, France, Madagascar, Bora Bora-”

  I turn around and kiss him to stop him. Leaning back, he stares at me in guilt.

  “Pick any country you want, and I will take you there. Just please give me time.”

  “Okay.” I reach up and kiss him. “Now, go upstairs and wear a suit!” I say with a more genuine smile.

  In the car, he holds me close and takes out a Starbucks bag.

  “I got two sandwiches.” He passes me my favorite one. “So, I kind of have an idea where we’re going.” He smiles at me.

  “Do you?” I raise my eyebrows.

  “Well, you were playing opera at my place. Are we going to an opera?”

  “Maybe.” I respond coyly.

  “It’s time!” James says to me as he lowers the partition.

  “Okay. You need to cover your eyes.” I tell Sebastian.

  “Mmm,” he leans down to place a kiss on my neck, “kinky.” I push him off with a laugh.

  “Come on! We’re going to arrive soon and there are posters leading to the place.”

  “Fine, but I’m afraid of the dark so I’m going to need you to be right here.” He grabs me and puts me sideways on his lap.

  “You’re not afraid of the dark.” I laugh out loud.

  He snuggles into my breasts. “Yes, I am.” I roll my eyes and play with his hair until we arrive.

  I lead him out of the car and into the lobby of the theatre.

  “Ta-duh!” I say nervously.

  He opens his eyes and I can see the shock in his face when he realizes I took him to Gabriella Rizzo’s opera show. He opens his mouth and stares at me in shock.

  “So, I know you love opera, and although Luciano Pavarotti is … well dead. This woman is meant to be one of the best in the world. I called your dad who said you’d never seen her and Jax also-”

  He interrupts me with a soft kiss.

  “I love it, Bella. It’s amazing. I know how much these tickets cost. I could’ve paid.” He looks down at me in awe.

  “No, this is from me to you. It’s worth it. You’re worth it to me.” He leans down and kisses me passionately.

  The night passes beautifully. This woman’s voice is impeccable. No matter what emotion she tries to portray, every member of the audience feels it.

  Sebastian continues kissing me over and over again, telling me how amazing this is, how much he loves this singer and that he’s going to buy all her albums.

  Ten minutes into the second half, his phone vibrates. He looks at it and ignores. But after three times of it ringing, he leaves our booth to answer.

  I get nervous when ten minutes pass and he’s still not here. He comes back and I exhale in relief. He sits next to me and faces me. Lifting my hand, he places several kisses on my palm. I look at him in confusion before it dawns on me.

  “You’re leaving, aren’t you?” I snatch my hand back.


  “No.” I turn to look ahead. “Just go.” I respond.

  “Listen to me,” he pleads, “please.”

  “Just go!” I say loudly, gaining the attention of those around us. “Just leave, Sebastian!” I whisper holding in my tears.

  It kills me when he actually leaves, and James takes his place.

  I look at him with glistening eyes. “I thought I could keep you company.” He says with a sad smile.

  “What’s going on James?” I ask knowing I won’t receive a response. We watch the show and despite Sebastian’s departure, it’s amazing.

  Walking out with James, I see he’s texting Sebastian. I excuse myself to the bathroom and once I’m back, I walk to James who’s sitting on a couch facing away from me. I stand behind him, wanting to see what the texts are about.

  James: You shouldn’t have done that. It’s one night.

  Sebastian: What’s one night if I lose her forever? I’m not paying you to give me advice. Do your job and keep her safe.

  I gasp at his words and James turns around mid-text.

  “Isabel!” He chastises and my eyes glisten when I realize Sebastian’s been lying to me. Whatever he’s going through, it affects me and our future.

  “Isabel.” I hear James repeat softly. He hugs me to him, and I let myself cry in his arms. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

  “I-I’m sorry, but I was going crazy, I needed to do something. He lied to me.”

  “He loves you more than I’ve ever seen a man love a woman.”

  “No, he doesn’t. He’s been hurting me more than making me happy. That’s not loving someone, that’s not … that’s just –ugh!” I can’t complete the sentence. I don’t even know what we have anymore.

  “Let me take you home.” He says.

  I let him lead me to the car.

  Fifteen minutes later, I reach Sebastian’s and I groan. As much as I’d love to go to my d
orm, I want to have this conversation. I pour myself a drink and take my heels off. Sitting on the couch, I finally call Sebastian, but it goes to voicemail. Asshole. Instead of texting important, I text, ‘If you do not answer my next phone call, we are done for good.”

  A second later, I receive a call.

  “Never ever threaten to leave me, Isabel.” Sebastian says angrily.

  “I ignored it… all those times I ignored the fact that you didn’t pick up most of my calls and texts. Of course, you were around. You just purposely ignored them. Every time I sent ‘important’, you were there. I let my boyfriend ignore me, how pathetic.”

  “Isabel -”

  “No.” I interrupt. “When are you coming back? We need to talk.”

  He stays silent for a few seconds.

  “I … I can’t come back tonight, but-”

  “Are you fucking serious? After tonight, you aren’t coming home? A-Are you with someone else?” I stand up and start pacing.

  “What? No, how can you even think-”

  “How can I what? Suspect that my boyfriend who has been coming home at two am every day smelling like whiskey, could potentially be cheating on me? Are you kidding me?”

  “Isabel!” He shouts. “I’m not with someone else!”

  “And why should I trust you?” I hear him sucking in a breath at my words. “You told me whatever you were doing this whole time was about ‘business’ and ‘family’. You lied.”

  “What?” I hear the nervousness in his voice.

  “You lied to me this whole time. I saw the texts between you and James. You said, ‘what’s one night if I lose her forever’. Why the hell would you say that? You told me whatever you’re dealing with, it doesn’t affect us!”

  “I said it doesn’t and will never affect how much we love each other.” He says softly. “And it won’t, nothing will.”

  “Semantics, Sebastian! Tell me what the fuck is going on!”

  “I can’t … I can’t risk it… I’m scared.”

  “Of what?”

  “Losing you!” He shouts.

  I laugh sarcastically at his statement. “You seem to be doing just fine on your own without me knowing the secret.”

  “Do not tell me that I’m losing you. Just know that everything I do is for us! You’re not leaving me, Isabel. You promised me you wouldn’t.”

  “I promised you that when you were my Seb! Not this detached person you’ve become. I’m an afterthought to you.” I cry out loud. “I’m leaving Sebastian. I can’t … be like this anymore. I’d wait months for you, even years. Physical distance will never change my love for you. But your constant lies, your inability to tell me the truth. I can’t be with someone who refuses to confide in me. Your actions have driven a wedge between us! Nowadays, we shout at each other more than we talk.

  “I feel like I sit here waiting for the days you have time for me and that’s not okay. I tried to be patient and to be there for you, but you can’t lie to me. You can’t keep snapping at me and being angry when I did nothing. Whatever you’re going through, it affects me, and I deserve the truth!”

  “Angel, I’m coming home.”

  “I can no longer sympathize with your need to be away when I do not know why, not when I just found out that it definitely affects us.”

  “I’m working on it, I have so much stuff-”

  “And I ignored my gut,” I continue, needing to get my words out, “which was screaming at me, telling me that something is wrong. I believed you over my gut. You who has been lying to me. I should’ve realized … from the amount of times I heard you on the phone talking about me, saying ‘she changed things’, ‘I can’t control myself, not with her’. Why would someone be so invested in our relationship? When I first asked you to be my boyfriend, you told me there was ‘stuff’ you can’t control. So, this has been going on from the beginning. What is going on?” I beg him to tell me.

  “Listen, I’m coming home. Do not fucking leave me Isabel or I swear I will-”

  “Don’t bother. If you can’t be honest with me then don’t bother coming to me, cause nothing you say will change a thing. We can’t keep going like this. And until you fix whatever it is you’ve been trying to fix, until we have nothing hanging over us, and until you can tell me the truth, leave me alone.”

  “I love you.” He sounds anguished. “I lov-”

  I hang up the phone and throw my glass on the wall, the gin tonic splashes all over it.

  I run to our, no, his bedroom and pack my clothes all within fifteen minutes. With tears streaming down my cheeks, I leave his apartment.

  I fume when I see James right outside his door, waiting for me.

  “Don’t.” I threaten him when he tries to follow me.


  “No! You know what’s happening. It has something to do with me and Sebastian. He’s trying … to fix something so that we can be together.” He flinches and I know I’m right.

  “I ended it. I can’t live like this anymore. So, I do not need you to follow me anymore.”

  “Isabel, I can’t –”

  “James, we have become friends and I am asking you as a friend to leave me alone. I will call the cops and tell them I do not consent to having you following me around if you don’t.” And I mean every word I’m saying.

  He watches me walk away.


  Walking into my dorm, I look around and shake my head. It seems so empty and lifeless. I took so much stuff to Sebastian’s. Pictures, paintings, pillows, and blankets. Now, all I’m left with is a cold apartment matching my cold inside.

  I go to my room and fall on my bed.

  Minutes later, I hear a knock.

  I open the door, expecting Sebastian, and immediately try to close it when I see a man wearing a mask. He pushes himself inside and places a soft piece of cloth against my mouth and nose. I lose the ability to move and my body wills me to sleep. My eyes flutter shut.

  “Don’t leave any marks on her. We want to scare him, not push him to retaliation.”

  “It’s my fault.” I hear voices around me. Was that Sebastian? Am I dreaming? Why can’t I move?

  “It’s all my fault.” It is Sebastian!

  Why am I not waking up?! I try to move, do anything but I can’t. I feel his tears against my chest.

  “You didn’t do this.” Is that Edmond? What’s going on, why can’t I wake up? Oh shit, the men… the two men I opened the door to.

  “I have to do it, don’t I?”

  “I’m sorry, son, but even we don’t have power like them.”

  I feel sick to my stomach when I hear Sebastian shout. Pure, unadulterated fury is laced in his words.

  Seb. I want to comfort him, but I can’t, I can’t.

  “Wake up, Isa!” I hear Selena’s voice.


  “Yes! Isa, open your eyes.”

  I feel delirious but stronger than before. I force my eyes open and realize I’m on my bed with Selena and Alayna on either side of me. Jax stands to the side.

  “What happened?” I ask.

  “You were robbed. I swear this dorm is cursed!” Selena cries out in anger. “You’re staying with me and Jax.”

  “Sebastian?” I ask out loud and they all look at each other. “Where is he? He … he was crying, I need to see him!” I sit up straight and my head protests my movement.

  “Owww. I have the worst headache.” I hold it and rub.

  “The robber chloroformed you. The doctor said you can take pain killers.” Jax says. “Baby, give her the meds we got her.”

  I swallow the two pills handed to me.

  “The cops are here, they want to ask you some questions.” Alayna says.

  “Where’s Sebastian?” I ask them, ignoring their comments. “He was here. So was Edmond! I … he was upset! Where is he?”

  They all refuse to answer me.

  “Selena?” I ask her. She looks at me sadly.

  “He’s an asshole

  “Selena.” Jax admonishes.

  “What? He is!” She looks at him in anger. “I called him to tell him about what happened, and he said that he can’t come, that he’s busy.”