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Taming Sebastian (Sawson's Royal College Book 2) Page 19

  “Have you texted him?” Selena asks before sipping her wine.

  “Yeah, around four hours ago and he hasn’t responded. He told me if it’s urgent to text him saying ‘important’ and he’ll call me immediately.”

  “Why don’t you just do that then?” Alayna asks.

  “Because I don’t want to lie to him. Nothing important happened. From the beginning of our relationship, I feel like I’ve been an emotional rollercoaster. And he’s been there for me. Every single time I needed him, he was there. And you both know how insecure and needy I can be. I want to prove to him that I can also be there for him during the hard times.”

  “Are you sure there’s something wrong?” Selena asks.

  “Yeah. Maybe he actually has that much work at the company?” Alayna adds.

  “It’s just … he looked frantic, undone. I can’t explain it. No one reacts that way to a job.”

  “Isa, he also told you he loves you and you said it back. Maybe what’s happening has nothing to do with you.”

  “The guy’s crazy over you.” Alayna adds.

  “Yes. Okay. You guys are right. I’m being dramatic. It’s only been a day. Any chance you girls want to sleep here with me tonight?”

  “Can we use the jacuzzi?” Alayna asks.

  “Can we use the indoor gym? I swear Jax is making me so fat with his fancy taste in food.”

  “Yes, and yes!”

  My phone rings, waking me up. I reach out with half-closed eyes until the device is in my hand.


  “Bella? You sleeping?”

  “Hi, Seb. Yeah, I am. It’s five am.” I laugh.

  “I know. You doing ok? Any nightmares?”

  “All good.”

  “Go back to bed angel, we can talk properly tomorrow.”

  Chapter 18

  “Hey, James!” I say as I leave Sebastian’s apartment to meet Selena.

  Sebastian comes back today. I miss him terribly, but he hasn’t called me since that five second phone call the first night he was gone. He left a few messages here and there, asking me if I’m okay and if I’ve had any nightmares.

  “Good morning, Isabel. Where are we going today?”

  I roll my eyes. “You know it’s useless that you follow me around, right?”

  He laughs. “Oh please, the only reason Sebastian accepts to travel is because he knows I’m always with you.”

  “So, are you telling me all I have to do is get rid of you and he’ll come back home?” I smirk at him and he laughs. “We’re going to Jax’s. It’s a beautiful day, so let’s walk.”

  “It’s four minutes away by car.” He groans.

  “It’ll do us both some good.” James’ phone rings and I see that it’s Sebastian. He has time to call James and not me?

  “Yes sir. I’ll let her know. We are heading to Jax’s apartment right now. Will do, bye.”

  “Let me speak to him!” I snatch his phone.

  “Hello?” I hear the dial tone. Dammit, he already hung up!

  “He’s travelling to Long Beach today. He won’t be coming to Sawson until Saturday.”

  “What? Why?” I pick up my phone and call him, but he doesn’t answer. “Why isn’t he answering me? He just called you!”

  “I don’t know.” James replies looking around.

  I start at a rapid pace until we reach Jax’s building.

  The next night, I’m putting on a short baby-pink tight strapless dress. Selena and Alayna decided we’re going out tonight to have fun and forget all about Sebastian. It’s Friday and I need to relax. I haven’t tried contacting him since yesterday when I was with James. He didn’t even call me back and my pride won’t let me try again. I also slept in my dorm last night. I wasn’t in the mood to be surrounded by him.

  I put on some blush and gloss my lips then leave my dorm. James is in the lobby. As soon as he sees me, he stands up.

  “Where are you going?” He asks.

  “Dinner then a club.”

  “Did you tell Sebastian?”

  “I don’t need his permission to do anything.” I snap before walking away.

  An hour later, I’m with our gang having fun. I really needed a night like this.

  “He’s really cute!” Alayna complains.

  “Alayna. You fall in love with a different guy every day.” Nathan says with a smile on his face.

  “I know, but he was different!” Alayna groans drunkenly.

  “Just because he’s from Spain?” I stifle my laugh.

  “Yes! His accent turned me on so much I wanted to die!”

  Jax is kissing the side of Selena’s neck and I see her eyes roll back from the sensation. I wonder if I will ever feel as safe as Selena feels with Jax.

  Jax’s phone lights up. He picks it up then looks at me.

  “Isabel”, Jax says to me. “Sebastian says, and I quote ‘Tell her to check her fucking phone now. Exclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation point.” Jax laughs out loud.

  “Hey, you find that funny?” Selena says with a frown.

  “Yeah. It reminds me of how crazy you make me sometimes.” He leans down to kiss her protests.

  I silenced my phone after class today. I was tired of checking it every two minutes.

  Reaching into my purse, I take it out. Twenty-three missed calls and a bunch of texts. Yikes.

  “Excuse me.” I tell Nathan and he slides out of the booth to let me out. I go outside to gain some privacy and call him.

  “Why the fuck haven’t you answered your phone?” He answers on the first ring.

  “Excuse me? Don’t speak to me that way and I’m out and having fun so I put it on silent.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were going out?”

  “Oh, you mean during the countless phone calls you’ve graced me with?”

  “I said text me if it’s important!” He shouts.

  “This is not important. I’m going out with a few people to get over the stress you’re causing me.”

  “I’m causing you stress? And this is important! I don’t want you around men who are going to try to talk to you and touch you. You’re mine.”

  “I know.” I roll my eyes.

  “Then why aren’t you acting like you’re mine?”

  Instead of responding I ask him what I want to. “Why did you call James to tell him you’re not coming until Saturday? Why can’t you tell me? Why haven’t you called me back?” I snap, my drunkenness revealing my inner thoughts.

  “Cause with James it’s a one-minute conversation! I don’t need to keep talk- fucking hell.” He stops himself before finishing the hurtful sentence.

  “God forbid your girlfriend actually wants to talk to you!”

  “I didn’t mean that. Just go home.” He says and a second later he shouts to someone else. “Yeah, I’ll be right there, give me five minutes!”

  “Sebastian, I’m out, and nothing will happen. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Go home, Isabel. I can’t deal with this right now!” I hear the stress in his voice.

  “I am your girlfriend. Not an obedient child.” I argue. “I don’t want other men. You need to chill out and trust me.”

  “I do trust you. I just don’t want you there unprotected. They’ll think you’re single if I’m not with you and I don’t want others to have the opportunity to talk to you or touch you. Unless that’s what you want?” He says the last sentence in a spiteful manner.

  “Wow, way to hurt me, Sebastian.” I hang up the phone.

  Heading back inside, I plaster a fake smile on my face.

  “Is everything okay?” Selena asks.

  “I think he’s stuck in the fifteen hundreds.”

  She laughs. “Sometimes I think the same about Jax. It’ll be okay, you know.” She reassures me.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I wave away her concerns, “anyone up for shots?”

  My phone lights up and I see I have two missed calls from Sebastian and a third call is com
ing in. I decline and turn my phone off.

  “Selena?” I poke her shoulder.

  “Yep?” She turns to look at me.

  “Warn your boyfriend not to talk to me if Sebastian contacts him about me. He comes back tomorrow, and I want a stress-free night.”

  “Yes, mam.” She salutes me.

  We finish our dinner, walk to ‘Club 18’, and go straight to the VIP area. The girls and I immediately go to the dancefloor. I see James on the floor above and decide to pretend he’s not here.

  Later on, I’m blissfully drunk, laughing, and dancing with my friends. Jax pulls Selena with a smile and they begin their own sexy dance. Gary, Tina, and I dance to the amazing R&B music and Alayna is hooking up with a cute guy she met on the dance floor.

  “I need water!” I shout into Gary’s ear. I head towards the bar and try to get the bartender’s attention but it’s so busy, it’s going to take ages.

  I grunt and turn around and catch a tall guy looking at my ass. Rolling my eyes, I move to another free spot.

  “Hey.” The tall guy approaches me with a smile. If I wasn’t so obsessed with Sebastian, I could appreciate his gorgeousness. With dark black hair and piercing eyes, I understand why he has a cocky smile on his face.

  “Not interested.” I know I’m being presumptuous and rude. But Sebastian wouldn’t like it if I were to speak to random men just like I wouldn’t like it if he spoke to random women.

  “I’m sure I can change your mind, sweetheart.” He smiles and it looks seedy. He stands too close to me.

  “Hey! Back away.” I’m able to push him a step back.

  I feel someone’s stare on me, and I look around to find the source. I’m shocked when I see Sebastian staring at me in complete and utter fury. In my drunken state, all I can think about is how much I’ve missed him, his arms around me and his lips against mine. God, he’s beautiful.

  His eyes penetrate mine and he bares his teeth in anger at what he’s seeing. I see James rushing down the stairs, leaving Sebastian alone with Troy.

  Troy pulls Sebastian’s arm back when he obviously wanted to come to me. Why’s he stopping him? Troy points to the other side of the club. I look there but all I see is a bunch of half-naked women and rich looking men.

  Looking back at my love, I plan to go up to him but feel a hand wrap around my wrist, and then I’m being pulled. Before I can react, I see Sebastian push Troy before running down the stairs.

  When I feel a chest against mine, I feel sick.

  “Get off!” I shout. Staring at Sebastian before made me forget my predicament. I try to pull my hand free, but he just tightens his hold. I reach up to slap him, but he laughs and grabs my hand before it makes contact. He crowds me against the bar, and I turn my head to the right when he leans in close.

  “Pink is my favorite color on a woman.” He slurs.

  “Well creep is my least favorite thing in a man.” I say with a sarcastic smile. I bring my leg up and knee him hard between the legs.

  “Fucking bitch!” I hear him curse as he bends to a ninety-degree angle, holding his crotch.

  “Don’t ever touch a woman without her permission, you fucking pig.” I spit out at him.

  Walking away to find Sebastian, I’m pulled back again by the same douchebag.

  “You think you’re going to get away with that?” He seethes.

  Before I’m able to reply, a punch lands on his face. I’m let go and I fall on my ass. Sebastian picks me up and sits me on a barstool before looking at me up and down, to ensure I’m ok. I reach out to hold his face, but he pulls my hands away and places them on my lap. He turns and goes to the guy.

  “Sebastian, no!” I shout wanting to get off the stool, but James holds me back.

  “Don’t.” James says. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so angry. You don’t want to get in the middle of this.”

  “James, help him!” Instead, he stands in front of me so that I can’t see what’s happening.

  “Troy will help him.”

  Jax and Selena approach and Jax frowns when he sees what’s going on. I jump off the bar stool against James’s wishes and see Sebastian pummeling the guy.

  “She wanted it!” I hear the nasty guy scream.

  “Fuck you!” I shout back, unable to hold my drunken self back. “Help him!” I tell Jax desperately.

  “He just saw a man touch his woman. Nothing less than crazy sex will calm him down. Besides, the other guy’s a pussy, he can’t even land a hit in.”

  “Sebastian, please stop!” But he doesn’t. “Sebastian! Please!” I shout, with tears in my eyes. The last thing I want is for this guy to press charges against him.

  Finally, he turns to me seething in anger. Anger that’s also directed at … me. People we know, students and friends, are standing around watching this spectacle.

  I approach him, needing his comfort.

  “You and I are going home, NOW!” He shouts.

  “Sebastian, calm down.” I say in a soft voice.

  “If you stayed home, I would be calm!” He grabs my arm and pulls me towards the exit.

  “Sebastian!” I shout. He’s crazy. He can’t keep manhandling me like this! Once outside, I see Troy waiting for us.

  “Sir.” He starts. “I don’t think we should be so obvious. It’s dangerous.”

  “I don’t fucking care right now!” He gives the valet his ticket. What did Troy mean? What’s dangerous?

  He looks at me, anger seeping from every pore of his body. “I told you not to go out!”

  “I do not need your permission to go out! Are you insane?”

  Sebastian and I are having a stand-off. Staring at each other, both boiling in anger.

  “Hey, cuz, I saw that fight in there. Wanted to make sure you’re okay.” We turn and Francisco is standing there, hands in his pockets and venom is dripping from his eyes.

  Sebastian’s eyes close tightly. “Not now.” He growls out loud.

  With a seedy smile, Francisco looks at me. “Hey, Isabel.”

  Sebastian pulls me behind him so that I’m out of Francisco’s view and shouts, “Do not fucking talk to her! Ever.”

  “You sure? She might want to talk to me.”

  “You have three seconds, Francisco, or I’ll have you on the floor bleeding in no fucking time.”

  “No worries, cuz. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around anyways.”

  I hear retreating steps and Sebastian curses roughly.

  “Why did he call you cuz?” I ask but he ignores me.

  “Sir, you should perhaps continue this conversation at your place.” Troy says, trying to portray the importance of his words with his facial expression.

  “Shut up!” Sebastian says to him. “Where the fuck is our car?” He shouts at the valet.

  “It’s o-on the w-way.” The lanky guy responds in fear. “There are six people before you.”

  “Fuck it. I’ll get it myself. Make sure she fucking stays put.” Sebastian says to Troy and James, pointing at me.

  What the fuck? What has gotten into him? I take in three deep breaths, trying to calm down.

  “Well, he seems angry. What did you do?” I hear from behind me. Jesus, are we cursed today?

  I ignore Misty and stay put. “Hey, I’m talking to you.” She slurs.

  “What do you want?” I clench my teeth in anger.

  “Tell Sebastian to call me when he’s bored of you. He was so good when I had him, but it wasn’t enough.”

  “Just leave.” James says, obviously exasperated by the night’s dramatics.

  I turn and squint my eyes at her. “You never had him, don’t lie.”

  “Oh.” She laughs out loud. “You do realize you’re defending an infamous manwhore, right? Don’t be so naive.”

  “Shut up!” I cry out, approaching her.

  “Isa?” I hear Selena’s voice from behind me.

  “Aww, are you jealous that I had him first? His body … I see why you’re obsessed.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” I place my hands over my ears.